Cadomotus Exchange 165-195 Adapter ArtNr.: CAD EX AD

Cadomotus Exchange 165-195 Adapter

59,99 €/Paar
Gewicht: 0.05 kg
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Cadomotus Exchange 165-195 Adapter

1 Paar

Adapter für 165mm Schiene an 195mm Schuhe.

The Cadomotus adapter allows you to mount any long-mount inline boot onto a clap ice blade without compromising the for/aft position of the boot on the blade.

Typical mount spacing for inline boots is 195mm and does not match with the shorter mounting for clap ice blades. Inline boots have the front mounting point about right above the clap hinge point whereas ice speedskating boots have their front mount about 35mm backward.

1. Screw the adapter to the inline boot first at the front mount position
2. Then screw the clap system bridge to the adapter
3. Last step is to fix the rear mount thru the bridge and the adapter

50 - 75 EUR

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